These cutters can be used as matched sets of flute and beads or as individual sunk bead and reads. TTDSB8, TTDSB9 and TTDSB10 are suitable for moulding table surrounds and capillary drip grooves for window surrounds. TTRDSB8, TTRDSB9 and TTRDSB10 are matched to the TTDSB8, TTDSB9 and TTDSB10 range for the production of strip planking.
Used to create a fluting effect on the edge of furniture. TTRWHC range are used to create a fluting effect on the edge of furniture. TTSBCB range has a removeable bearing system. When requiring a self guiding effect ensure the jig has clearance between workpiece and bottom of cutter. TTHHC20 and TTRHHC20 complement each other and when used together perform the cuts needed to form a drop leaf table joint. Please note some of these products are Made To Order.
TCT Cove Mould Bearing Guided Producing a quarter round on the edge of the workpiece these are ideal for detailing casework, doors and drawers, posts and columns. The cove also makes up one-half of the rule joint used on drop-leaf tables. DESCRIPTION These cutters come complete with TTB127 and TTB16 bearings. Matching rounding over cutters available for rule joints.