Four Flute Slotter TCT

Four Flute Slotter TCT


1 in stock (can be backordered)

TCT Four Wing
Has many cutting and grooving uses in decorative and repair work. Particularly suitable for bowl replacement. Lower illustration shows method of removing bowl from worktop.

Has many cutting and grooving uses in decorative and repair work.

Particularly suitable for bowl replacement.

SKU: TTXC407-12-1 Category:
SKUThumbnail D mm L mm GL mm S Bearing Z Material RPM QuantityStockPrice
TTXC407-12 Four Flute Slotter TCT - 75 - 6 - 84 - 12 - ttpb25-12 - 4 - tct - 16000 75 6 84 12 TTPB25/12 4 TCT 16000
TTXC407-12.7 Four Flute Slotter TCT - 75 - 6 - 84 - 12-7 - ttpb25-12 - 4 - tct - 16000 75 6 84 12.7 TTPB25/12 4 TCT 16000
6 in stock £148.35


Solid Surface Router Cutters

Four Flute Slotter

Additional information

D mm

d mm

L mm

GL mm




