Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT

Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT


1 in stock (can be backordered)

2 Wing with C/Point without Scribers TCT
2 wing available with or without scribers and parallel shanks.

2 wing available with or without scribers and parallel shanks.

Right hand with centre point. Left hand available to special order – please contact the Sales Department for details.

For boring bits at above 80mm overall length please contact the Sales Department for pricing and availability.

These boring bits must be used in fixed head machines only, never in hand-held routing machines or hand-held drills.

Select correct boring bit design for machine, material and thickness:

Drill or Boring Machines:

Softwood, Chipboard – Use Scribers: 15mm-35mm 3000-6000 RPM, 35mm-50mm 3000 RPM, 50mm-100mm 2000 RPM.

Hardwood – Use Scribers: 15mm-35mm 3000 RPM, 35mm-50mm 3000 RPM, 50mm-100mm 1500 RPM.

MDF – Use Scribers: 15mm-35mm 3000-6000 RPM, 35mm-50mm 3000 RPM, 50mm-100mm 1500 RPM.

Laminate – Use Scribers: 15mm-35mm 3000-6000 RPM, 35mm-50mm 3000 RPM, 50mm-100mm 2000 RPM.

Diameters of 20mm and above with Scribers will burn at over 6000 RPM. Do not use Scribers on solid laminates.

Router Machines:

Softwood, Hardwood, Chipboard, MDF, Laminate – No Scribers over 6000RPM: 15mm-35mm 10000 RPM, 35mm-50mm 6000 RPM, 50mm-100mm 3000 RPM.

SKU: TTHB13880-1/2-1 Category:
SKUThumbnail D mm GL mm S Feature Z Material Rotation RPM QuantityStockPrice
TTHB1557-8 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 15 - 57 - 8 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 15 57 8 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
1 in stock £55.06
TTHB1580-10 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 15 - 80 - 10 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 15 80 10 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
3 in stock £55.06
TTHB2057-8 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 20 - 57 - 8 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 20 57 8 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
9 in stock £55.05
TTHB2080-10 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 20 - 80 - 10 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 20 80 10 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
7 in stock £55.06
TTHB2557-8 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 25 - 57 - 8 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 25 57 8 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
19 in stock £55.06
TTHB2580-1/2 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 25 - 80 - 1-2 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 25 80 1/2 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
8 in stock £55.06
TTHB2580-10 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 25 - 80 - 10 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 25 80 10 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
2 in stock £55.06
TTHB2680-1/2 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 26 - 80 - 1-2 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 26 80 1/2 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
TTHB3080-1/2 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 30 - 80 - 1-2 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 30 80 1/2 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
TTHB3457-8 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 34 - 57 - 8 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 34 57 8 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
4 in stock £61.17
TTHB3557-8 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 35 - 57 - 8 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 35 57 8 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
2 in stock £65.75
TTHB3580-1/2 Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes TCT - 35 - 80 - 1-2 - yes - 2w2s - tct - right-hand - 6000 35 80 1/2 Yes 2W+2S TCT Right Hand 6000
4 in stock £59.65


Industrial Router Cutters

Drilling and Boring

Cylindrical Borers 2 wing & No scribes

Additional information

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