Cove Mould Bearing Guided TCT

Cove Mould Bearing Guided TCT


1 in stock (can be backordered)

TCT Two Flute Cove Mould With Bearing
Two flute half round cutter. Ideal for a scalloped edge finish.
For all types of decorative edge profiling.

SKU: TTXC701-12-1 Category:
SKUThumbnail D mm L mm GL mm Radius mm (R) S Bearing Z Material RPM QuantityStockPrice
TTXC701-12.7 Cove Mould Bearing Guided TCT - 31-7 - 16 - 87 - 9-5 - 12-7 - ttpb127 - 2 - tct - 18000-2 31.7 16 87 9.5 12.7 TTPB127 2 TCT 18000
7 in stock £93.28
TTXC701-12 Cove Mould Bearing Guided TCT - 31-7 - 16 - 87 - 9-5 - 12 - ttpb127 - 2 - tct - 18000-2 31.7 16 87 9.5 12 TTPB127 2 TCT 18000
6 in stock £93.28


Solid Surface Router Cutters

Cove Mould With Bearing

Additional information

D mm

L mm

GL mm

Radius mm (R)







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